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Always striving to push limits and break new grounds

NMK esbaco

As a family owned and operated company, we have grown from a local bakery towards a global food manufacturer. Over the last 100 years, innovation and product excellence has driven us forward. Instead of looking back proud, we rather look forward to what is still to come. We are NMK Esbaco, the innovative food producer.

Quality Ingredients

Each item meets our strict standards, and we maintain certifications to keep the high level of quality and demonstrate our commitment to quality assurance.

Pushing boundaries in

Constantly innovating concepts with unique ingredients, bold packaging design, and cutting-edge technology, we push the boundaries in Retail and elevate the private label food experience to a new level.

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Pushing boundaries in

Providing the baking industry with the highest quality and most reliable bakery ingredients, enabling bakeries of all sizes to produce superior baked goods that satisfy customers and exceed their expectations.

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At NMK ESBACO, we are not content with the status quo. We constantly strive to push the limits and break new ground as an innovative food producer.

our office

Kernweg 27 1627 LH


The Netherlands



T: +31 (0)229 210 112

CoC: 36047774



T: +31 (0)229 281 040

CoC: 36048916



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